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Your Technology Alignment Recommendation (TAR) confirms how your technology stack aligns with industry standards.



  • Document the current telecom solutions and how they are optimized for voice, data, and communication requirements.

  • What are usage patterns  and data analysis  can be used to align service levels with avaiable configurations.  

  • What opportunities are avaiable toconsolidate telecom vendors or renegotiate contracts for better rates?



  • How are the mobile services aligned with the workforce's requirements for flexibility and productivity?

  • How are mobile devices and endpoints managed to ensure security avaiability and compliance?

  • Are there cost-effective plans and solutions in place for mobile data and device management optomized?



  • What are the current configurations for telecom, infrastructure, cybersecurity, and mobility services?

  • Are these configurations optimized for performance, scalability, and compatibility?

  • Are there any redundancies or inefficiencies in the current setup?



  • Are vendor contracts reviewed regularly to ensure optimal service levels and pricing?

  • How is vendor performance monitored and measured against SLAs?

  • Are there opportunities to consolidate services under fewer vendors for better management and savings?




  • Are the current rates competitive in the market for similar services?

  • Are there volume discounts or bundling options available that could reduce costs?

  • Are there hidden charges in vendor contracts that could increase expenses?


  1. Is the technology used for telecom, infrastructure, cybersecurity, and mobility up to date?

  2. Are we leveraging the best solutions for cloud, automation, and AI where applicable?

  3. Is the technology designed to handle current and future workloads effectively?


  1. Are vendor contracts reviewed regularly to ensure optimal service levels and pricing?

  2. How is vendor performance monitored and measured against SLAs?

  3. Are there opportunities to consolidate services under fewer vendors for better management and savings?


  1. Is there a clear process for incident response and escalation across all technology services?

  2. Are regular updates and patches applied to minimize vulnerabilities and downtime?

  3. How is ongoing support managed for remote and on-site teams?


  1. Are there plans to adopt new technologies or services to improve efficiency and reduce costs?

  2. How is feedback from end-users incorporated into service improvements?

  3. What benchmarks or KPIs are used to evaluate the success of current configurations?

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